IQ Webinar focuses on Leadership and Effective Communication
Thursday 25th April saw Wingman consultant Dave Moss, an experienced team development consultant, present the Institute of Quarrying’s Lunch and Learn webinar, which focused on leadership as well as exploring what makes an effective communicator.
Dave commented, “Evidence suggests that across all sectors in the UK, we are spending more time either talking with, writing to or meeting people than ever before. However, productivity per worker is not rising. In my presentation, we’ll ponder whether communications habits are at least a contributory factor. We’ll glance back then look forward to make sense of the digital era. I’ll take a slightly irreverent view on whether or not to lay blame upon communication problems at our own doorstep and share a few tips and thoughts on being a bit more effective.”
Dave Moss is a former RAF fast-jet Navigator and trainer. He has worked both in the UK and Middle East. He’s a Member of the Institute of Leadership and Management and qualified vocational skills assessor.
If you think your business could benefit from the services of Wingman please get in touch for a chat.

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